
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Play Groups

Awhile ago I was talking to my cousin who has four beautiful girls and I was complaining about not ever having me time or at least time with other women who are going through the same things as I am as a mother. So she began to tell me about how where she lives if she doesn't just do something, nothing will ever happen. As in a get together with other moms who have the same age children or whatever. She decided to open her door to anyone who wants to come over every Tuesday for coffee between a certain time in the morning. The children can play and the mothers can talk.
I took her advice and did something! I was so excited to hear the feed back from the other moms who I had contacted. Why hadn't anyone else thought of this before? Alaskan winters can be long, dark and lonely even with children running around your house. We set a day of the week and a time aside and now ever Tuesdays between a certain time we all gather at some one's house and chat. Not always does the whole crew show up, some times it might just be one other mom and little one; but just being around other moms who might be going through something I am going through or understand how I feel just because we have children is a wonderful thing to have.
I think every mom should be part of a play group or heck if your lucky enough to be part of a group of women who go out without their children. More power to ya. We have only been getting together for a little over a month now and its just nice to be able to sit back and let Little Who play with other kids his age and to see them interact with each other.
I will try and take some photos tomorrow, since play group is at my house and I will post some next week. I hope everyone enjoys their day and remember, your not alone even in the dark of winter. There are moms out there that just need someone else to say "lets do it".

Monday, March 12, 2012

Back To Blogging

Now that I am a SAHM I am going to make myself get back into my blogging. Starting today! The first thing on my list to do is Spring Cleaning. It might be 5 degrees and we might still have a billion of feet of snow on the ground in Alaska, but in my heart I can feel Spring in the air. There are so many things that I don't get time to clean around the house, well they get 'quick' cleaned. I am going to start at one end of the house and move to the other, leaving the kitchen for last. I don't know how I am going to manage deep cleaning with a toddler who gets into EVERYTHING, but I will find away.
Th bedroom is going to be the easiest I figure, I need to put art back up on the walls and clean under Little Who's crib (my storage area). I would love to make a new duvet cover for the bed as well. So maybe I will look at sheets that are on sale and sew one (really wishing I had a sewing machine right about now). Now if only I could get Daddy Who on board with giving his Hawaiian shirt collection to good will, things would be perfect.
I might be able to tackle the office in the same day, but that will have to be done while Little Who is napping because there is so much crap that he can get into while cleaning in there. I would love to find a way to keep my desk from collecting junk. I find that I clean if off one day and then the very next day its a mess again. And there is no way that Daddy Who's desk will ever stay clean, that man piles stuff up on there to no end. The amount of baby stuff being stored in here is overwelming to say the least. Maybe its time to box a few things up and put them in the crawl space.
I am sure I will have some great photos and stories to post after this is all said and done. I just hope Little Who will let me get this all done.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Now a SAHM

I will have a lot more time to blog now that I am will be a SAHM as of Friday! So excited.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

All the Little Things

I know I updated you on things that had happened since I lost posted, but I wanted to take the time to point out the amazing and funny things that Little Who has been learning to do.  In no order what so ever (my memory is not that great)

  • I have been teaching Oliver the few baby signs that I know and he just started to do All Done on his own this week.
  • He throws his hands up the air and says what I think is "ya".
  • He walks around with random articles of clothing on his head and runs into the wall, stands up, laughs and then keeps on going.
  • He got a monster truck from his god parents or Christmas and he drives it all over the house.
  • He opens and closed the bedroom doors and gets such a kick out of it. That is until he closes himself in the room and can't get back out.
  • He is learning to say bath, one of his favorite things. Its only at the Ba part, but he knows what I am taking about and says it back every time
  • He loves to carry around things in his mouth while he walk, sometimes I feel like I need to remind him that he isn't a dog.
  • He plays with Daddy Who's Knee hockey stick which is at the perfect height for him.
Its amazing the things they learn and how fast they do!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A New Schedule

I have put a lot of thought into really getting my act together when it comes to a schedule for Little Who. I don't know why we never had one before, maybe its because I just didn't really care about one. But now that we are re sleep training and he is almost one (eek) I thought I would start.
He know has dinner at 5pm while I am cooking dinner for Daddy Who and I. Since we can't all eat the same foods most nights Little Who gets his own dinner. This week he has been enjoying Organic ground pork with veggies. After dinner he gets time to play while I finish up dinner and actually eat dinner warm. We aren't taking a bath every night (that's just to much for me to handle) so we take one every other day and its probably his favorite thing about the new schedule. Then we get in our pjs and have a few more minutes of quite play time. Then its off the the bedroom where we read 2-3 books and then do our prayers. I then stand and rock him for about 5-10 minutes and settle him into his crib. Right now it takes about 30 minutes for him to fall asleep.
All I can say is that I wish I had started the early bed time sooner. He was going to bed between 9-10 and I didn't have any 'down' time. Now I have two hours to get things done and not feel so overwhelmed with doing every thing I need too. Now if I could just get someone else to help out a little I would have more time! One thing at a time right?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The New Things

In the last few months I have been having a hard time with my milk supply and not being able to pump at work. It started to really stress me out and still is but I pushed on through and tried every thing I would to make it another two months. The other day I broke down and bought formula for his last two months, he only gets 1-2 bottles of formula a day and I am still able to breast feed him. But I feel like its the end of the world to me.
Breastfeeding Little Who has been one of the best things that I could have chosen to do for our little family. It wasn't because of money at all. It was because I wanted what was best for him and the bond that it has created for the two of us. It broke my heart to have to feed him a bottle full of formula one night because my boobs just were not producing the milk. I hate everything about formula and I am not dissing those of you who use it. I understand, its just not for us.

Little Who also has finally started teething after so many fails alarms. It all started a little over a week ago and he has been doing great. He is getting his bottom two at the same time and has only had one or two fevers. He is only really fussy about them at night, which unfortunately means walking up all night long. Then again we are already use to that.

That bring me to my sleep training take three. I have giving up trying to let him CIO (cry it out) whether I am in the room sitting on the floor or just leave him in there its not working. So I went and bought a book today called The No-Cry Solution by Elizabeth Pantley and I am going to start reading it at work tomorrow when its so slow. I am really excited about giving it another go. We already started a bed time routine which already seems to be helping a bit.

Little Who started taking his first steps at around 9 months right at the time we were expecting and every day he just get faster and faster. Its the funniest thing to watch him walk around and explore the house at this age!